Word to your Mummy

At the frontline of middle class parenting

Tag Archive for ‘middle class’

Middle of the Road

There are plenty of articles that can tell you the tell tale signs that you live with a toddler; sticky handprints on the wall, loo roll RE-ROLLED by hand back onto the inner cardboard tube and small plastic figurines strewn all over the kitchen floor. But how can you tell the really important things about your toddler like his views on the world and his place within it; his social […]

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The 90s Revival

The 90s are back in fashion, complete with oversized logo sweatshirts, DM boots and spaghetti strap floral print dresses with tight white t shirts underneath. It’s enough to put a mother off fashion entirely. I was young enough in the 80s to be able to cope with the irony of that particular revival and got a warm glow to see neon fingerless gloves back in the shops along with Hello […]

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The end of the Hipster Parent

When a new bar opened in Eastenders and Sharon started serving drinks in jam jars, there was a social media frenzy; it marked the beginning of the end for the hipster. Shoreditch already feels like a brand as manufactured as One Direction or Starbucks with its “dirty burgers”, paint by numbers gritty urban decay and affluent young men and women dressed (ironically) as if they are homeless, who tell you […]

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